AKMEKA. Art, Culture and Media.

University of the Basque Country (UPV/EHU) Research Group, Basque University System Type A, 2019-21.

This is an artistic research group comprised of teachers, doctoral students, students and other collaborators, who have been cooperating for years on various projects.

AKMEKA began in 2004 with Akme (Artea, Kultura eta Medio Berriak), a biennial conference that addresses issues related to artistic practices that are difficult to incorporate into academic curricula due to their specific characteristics and their constant evolution. In 2020, the 9th edition of the conference will be held. The project was initiated by a group of teachers, researchers and students of the Faculty of Fine Arts of the University of the Basque Country (UPV/EHU) as a way to address conceptual and formal issues related to contemporary artistic practice. From topics such as non-object production, low-cost fabrication, and the so-called “trash culture”, to non-conventional means of creation and distribution, and issues such as counter-culture or precariousness, these themes have all been the object of analysis, study, debate and exchange, while generating new relationships and promoting innovative lines of work.

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